InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationWildfire Detection and Monitoring from SpaceAerospace is identifying opportunities to improve wildfire detection and monitoring capabilities, efforts that could ultimately protect…Feb 24, 2023Feb 24, 2023
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationHow does Space Debris Threaten the ISS?Our Space Debris Expert is back to answer questions about protecting the International Space Station, the consequences of a debris cloud…Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationMonitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space 24/7 with CarbonWatchCarbonWatch has the ability to identify and monitor the largest sources of carbon emissions from humans, day and night.Oct 21, 20212Oct 21, 20212
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationMonitoring the Oceans from AboveA new sensor from The Aerospace Corporation can detect the speed and type of vessel by the wakes it leaves behind.Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationA Space Debris Expert Weighs in on the Massive Chinese Rocket Body Falling Uncontrollably to EarthThe 21-metric-ton rocket body, Long March 5B, is expected to reenter Earth’s atmosphere this weekend. How did this happen, and where will…May 6, 20214May 6, 20214
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationEarth Day: Eight Ways Scientists Are Using Space to Protect Our PlanetFrom small satellites to the International Space Station, the new frontier for studying our planet is miles above it.Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationThe International Space Station Just Jettisoned the Largest Piece of Space Junk Ever.The 2.9-ton pallet of old batteries are traveling towards Earth at 4.8 miles per second.Mar 17, 20217Mar 17, 20217
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationA Rollercoaster Approach to Satellite Re-PositioningEngineers are revolutionizing active satellite re-positioning with a new method called Project Rollercoaster.Feb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationUncovering the Mystery of the Aurora BorealisScientists explore the mysteries of the Aurora with a stunning light show.Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationThe International Space Station Adds a Powerful New Camera to Study Earth’s GlowThe NIRAC camera uses the Earth’s natural airglow to capture stunning nighttime imagery.Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationCoast Guard Polar Scout Satellites Aid in Arctic RescueClimate change has opened a growing number of treacherous Arctic shipping lanes. A pair of CubeSats, nicknamed Polar Scout, will help…Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationViewing the Environmental Impact of US Wildfires from AboveEngineers take to the skies to measure the environmental and atmospheric effects of wildfires and the smoke they generate.Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationHow Satellites Predict Wildfire SpreadUnique nighttime imagery sensors help responders anticipate a fire’s evolution based on temperature and smoke plume movement.Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationHunting Asteroids to Save EarthA 25-meter asteroid could devastate an area of Earth the size of Manhattan. Here’s how artificial intelligence can make sure that doesn’t…Oct 7, 20201Oct 7, 20201
InAerospace TechBlogbyThe Aerospace CorporationThe Key To Protecting Satellite Communications Might Lie Inside A Tiny PhotonExperts are harnessing the peculiar features of quantum physics to establish secure communications with orbiting spacecraft.Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020